Federal Lodge 1981
"One for All - All for One" is the foundation on which NFFE is building a better workplace through service, representation and lobbying Congress for Forest Service members.
The Master Agreement between NFFE and the Forest Service protects every Forest Service employee NFFE represents.
This agreememt is administered by the NFFE Forest Service Council, which includes all NFFE Forest Service Locals. These locals represent a combined total of more than 20,000 employees. . .professional, non-professional, seasonal and full time, forest and regional office alike.
Lodge Officers
President: Bob Caufield
Vice President: Vacant
Financial Officer: Steve Branch
Recording Secretary: Janie Jilpas
Educator: Colleen Howell
Conductor-Sentinel: Vacant
Cookie Washington
Regional Office Partnership Council - Union Members
Steve Branch
Bob Caufield
Cheryl Pescio
Cookie Washington
Safety Committee - Union Members
Bob Caufield
Ervin Castle