Federal Lodge 1981
Why NOT Join the Union!
Question: How can I join?
Answer: It's easy! Contact your local representaitve to fill out and sign a Form 1187 and turn give it to your Local Union President.
Question:Why should I join if NFFE already represents me?
Answer: The Union represents you based on the Master Agreement whether or not you are a member. However, under the law, the Union does not represent nonmembers in areas not covered by the Contract. These include OWCP claims, EEOC cases, court and GAO back pay claims and MSPB appeals if yu get suspended or fired. Only dues-paying members are protected in all of these work related cases.
Benefits of Membership
As a member of NFFE, you have the full weight of the nation's oldest and most experienced federal labor organization in building a better workplace for yourself as well as others.
Legal Support
The NFFE legal department provides free help to all NFFE locals. NFFE's law suits have improved the workplace for all federal workers in such areas as health insurance, overtime pay, within-grade increases, RIF regulations, random drug testing, and contracting out.
Labor Relations Expertise
NFFE field representatives and experienced headquarters staff give direct help to locals and deal directly with agencies. NFFE has a winning record in arbitrations, negotiability appeals, back pay claims, OWCP and MSPB appeals. NFFE also gives annual training to locals to give them the expertise to deal with your problems.
Informative Public Relations
NFFE members receive a quarterly newsletter providing complete coverage of legislation, labor relations and other information important to federal workers. Local officers are kept abreast by monthly conference calls and quarterly reports on negotiability issues, complaint handling, legislative action and lobbying.