IAM Federal Lodge 1981 International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
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International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

Federal Lodge 1981


Local 1981 Tackles Shuttle Issue
Since being notified by the City that the commuter shuttle to our office will discontinue operations on July 1, the Local is once again attempting to bring the issue to the attention of agency management.

Options under consideration, from March 24 ROPC special meeting:
  1. Voluntary rider pickup - Mel suggested a setup similar to those used by casual carpools in Washington and elsewhere. This will be discussed further in the April 15 ROPC meeting, or special meeting in early April to be attended by a representative of Vallejo transit department.
    Update - April 15 ROPC meeting: Consensus was reached to pursue this option as a fallback in case a permanent solution is not operational by June 30. Doug will contact the city regarding signs that would need to be posted at carpool pickup spots, and Candace will be developing a security plan to ensure both riders and drivers are able to arrive at their destinations safely. More on this soon. Several riders have expressed strong reservations about this alternative, which will entail considerable coordination and careful implementation to ensure success. We have a good start, since we already have a rider's email list. Please think about it, and feedback to Candace.

  2. Van pool - Lance Taylor volunteered to contact the service to see what they suggest.
    Update - April 7 meeting: Lance now has a packet of information, but relayed that he didn't think his contact at the ride share program really understood the issues regarding our location. Our building is "off the beaten track" from the perspective of currently-operational van pools. Current shuttle riders expressed that they would not be willing or able to bear the expense of establishing such service at their own expense.

  3. Funding options - Cecelia will research restrictions on use of appropriated funds, to see if there's a legal way to pay for shuttle or other transportation service.
    Update: Cecilia emailed the response to the question that she had posed to someone in the WO, which was not helpful. Members of the shuttle riders group have succeeded in locating CFR and USC references that support establishing an agency-funded commuter van in conjunction with "clean air" programs.

  4. Lobbying for funding or exemption from funding restrictions.
    Update: Through an initial contact effort by the Union, Congressman George Miller's office has become involved in this discussion. A representative who was involved in pre-relocation activities met with the Union and shuttle riders on April 14, and encouraged riders to continue with contacts to their own congressional delegates. A poll of riders present identified the constituencies. Bob Caufield, Local President, will also be drafting a single letter, to which all riders should add their names and home locations, so that Congressman Miller can coordinate with the appropriate contacts for each District. More to come on this.

  5. Doug will contact the development company to see if they have any options under consideration.
    Update - April 7 meeting with above-mentioned representative from Congressman Miller's satellite office on Mare Island, and Pam Lawrence from the Vallejo Dept. of Transportation: Our office was encouraged to work more closely with the island development company, and to "take the lead" among island inhabitants regarding public transportation plans. This was repeated at the April 14 shuttle meeting, and the April 15 ROPC meeting. Clearly, more to come on this issue, too. Hmmm; we haven't had an update from the development company is awhile, have we?

  6. Candace drafted a MOU that would be her own preference (but of course in the spirit of partnership is remaining open to all other viable options)
    Update - April 15 ROPC meeting: Doug encouraged RO managers to consider the telecommute program as a potential mitigation for lack of public transportation; in fact, illustrated the point with the situation of one of his employees who typically uses the shuttle only one day a week. Doug was sure arrangements could be worked out so that this individual could telecommute that one day, and suggested that other RO managers use the telecommute program to mitigate impacts on their staff's shuttle users.

New options suggested by employees at April 1 meeting

  1. Coordinate with Touro, which may have resources they'd be willing to share

  2. Get topic on agenda of Director's meeting

  3. Send emails to all RO employees and to retired FS employees asking for assistance or suggestions

  4. Research FSH direction on van pools

  5. Research WO "guaranteed ride home" under work/life program.
    Update: While in Washington last week, candace contact the program manager by phone, and learned that funding is provided to the program by participating agencies. This affirms that there are programs in place to deal with public transportation commuters when circumstances arise that necessitate emergency alternate transportation. More on this by email later.

  6. Contact US Senators and State officials in addition to US Representatives already being lobbied.
    Update: A listing of names and mailing addresses for congresspersons for RO riders' districts will be posted soon. Please stay tuned.

All shuttle riders are welcome to attend the May 1 Union Brown Bag Lunch meeting, in the 2 South "Chaparral North" conference room, at 12 noon (following regular Local 1981 meeting open to members only).

Be there!

Union of Unemployed - UCubed
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Last modified: 6/14/2011

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